Thin Veneer
Thin Stone Veneer is cut and split from REAL stone (NOT man-made, artificial, cement, cultured or manufactured stone veneer) right here in the USA. Our Thin Stone Veneer products consist of quarried and weathered natural stones that have been cut thin (1.25 inch thick) and weigh less than 15 lbs square foot. Use it for interior or exterior projects including stone siding, fireplaces, foundations, and any other architectural construction project that demands the finest surface covering.
Nashoba Tan Thin Veneer
Nashoba Tan is a Natural Thin Stone Veneer blend of 100 percent natural face. It offers a unique color blend of Natural Oklahoma Multicolor Stone.
The product is available in nominal course heights, squares and rectangles, and mosaic varieties.
Nashoba Black
Nashoba Black is 50 percent natural face and 50 percent split face blue quarried stone with a hint of black face stone. Nashoba Black can be cut into nominal course heights.
Mule Creek
Mule Creek is a Natural Thin Stone Veneer with 100 percent bed face of blue quarried stone.
The product is available in nominal course heights, squares and rectangles, and mosaic varieties.
Cedar Creek
Cedar Creek is a natural face blend of two separate Nashoba Stone Quarries. Its a 50 percent blend of Coyote Tan/Mountain Fork Brown and 50 Percent Mule Creek. Cedar Creek can be cut into nominal course heights.
Brazil Creek
Brazil Creek is a Natural Thin Stone Veneer blend of 50 percent natural face coyote tan and 50 percent natural face mule creek. It offers a unique color blend of Natural Oklahoma Stone. Product is available in nominal course heights, squares and rectangles, and mosaic varieties.